Sunday, October 24, 2010

Juste Assez (Just Enough)

This is 1€ worth of shitake mushrooms from the Revel market. A sweet shy young man works with his mother at the market stall where I buy them and he knows just what I am after when I ask for "un morceau de les petits" (literally: a morsel of the small ones). The long fingers on his right hand picks les petits out of the tray until the palm of his left hand is filled. He puts them in a small paper bag and takes my silver coin.

And this is enough. Enough to make a sauce for pasta -- sautee shitakes in un morceau of good butter with Guérande salt and fresh ground pepper until their juice flows, add ~1 cup of creme fraiche at the end. Enough to give a subtle twist to a spinach and mushroom quiche.

Baisers Crémeuse!

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